Everyone needs insurance of one kind or another, and most people need a few different types. Critical components of financial well-being that can help protect you from certain risks starts with insurance. Making sense of all the types of insurance and the amount you may need is daunting.
Our key focuses are:
Developing a plan for your long-term care is an essential part of financial planning — despite the fact that you may not want to think about it yet!
Connecting the dots between your retirement portfolio and your long-term care insurance is necessary to avoid jeopardizing everything you have worked so hard for and built up over the years.
Planning ahead can be difficult. You need someone you can trust. You need an advisor who can help you fully understand your options and assist you in picking the right plan to provide security for you and your loved ones. That someone is a click or a phone call away.
One of the most important types of insurance is Life Insurance, which includes Term Insurance. It provides coverage for a specific amount of time and pays a benefit if you pass away during that timeframe.
Life insurance is a failsafe to protect your family in case something awful happens to you. It protects them from debt, having to sell the house, or drastically changing their lifestyles. It’s coverage that gives you true peace of mind.
Find out the other benefits of Term Insurance by talking to an advisor from the O’Donnell Financial Group.
Permanent Insurance describes various types of Life Insurance, including Whole Life, Universal Life, and Variable Life Insurances. It’s different than Term Insurance in that it can provide coverage for life, assuming the premiums are paid on time.
Premiums can be flexible, according to your finances, and they can accumulate a cash value that you can borrow against. Some people have both permanent and term insurance.
To find out what’s best for you and your loved ones, consult with an insurance advisor at the O’Donnell Financial Group in order to make a fully informed choice.
Accidents happen. And it’s important to be protected in case they do.
These accidents can knock you down, make you housebound, or stop you from working and living your normal life. These types of disruptions and setbacks can put a tremendous financial strain and hardship on you and your family. Disability Insurance safeguards you and your family until you are able to get back on your feet.
The hope is you’ll never need disability insurance, but we are here to make sure you’re properly covered just in case you do.
You absolutely need car insurance, homeowner’s insurance, and life insurance. You may need disability insurance. Depending on your circumstances, you may also need long-term care insurance and personal liability insurance.
There are some types of insurance, however, that you simply do not need or may no longer need. Many people are over-insured and do not realize it, and, you may be paying too much for the coverage you do have.
Talk to us at O’Donnell Financial Group. We will set you up with the insurance you truly need and get you out those you don’t.